ArtIAMAS Research

ArtIAMAS Publications

“The Army will continue to work to exploit AI and autonomous systems and the unique Army challenges associated with using these technologies in extreme environments,”

Karl Kappra

Director of ARL's Future Division

Research Thrusts

Multi-Agent Systems Engineering

ArtIAMAS will develop common datasets, simulation models, and systems engineering processes for autonomy research, test, evaluation, verification, and validation (TEVV).

Building Secure, Resilient, and Connected Systems

ArtIAMAS will connect vehicles and platforms in a resilient and secure manner so as to defend Army assets and soldiers.

Human-Machine Teaming and Understanding

ArtIAMAS will exploit the recent proliferation of sophisticated sensor and computing systems to augment human performance with new AI capabilities and to improve machine understanding of human partners.

ArtIAMAS Industry Projects

ArtIAMAS-MIPS will partner with private sector companies to further develop the current initiatives within the ArtIAMAS research capability areas.

Research Highlights

ArtIAMAS Publication Highlights: